Monday 14 March 2011

Spanish Hot Chocolate (v)

I first experienced this in Morocco when we tried to get Lex his usual hot chocolate before bed. Placing a cup of basically runny, hot, chocolate pudding before an over tired five year old who was expecting more of a chocolat chaud was a baaaaaaaad move! He did not like. At all. But mummy did. He appreciated it more when we went to Granada, Spain a couple of years later. And then we discovered you could buy tins of the lovely stuff in the UK. Sorted.

For one person you need:
125ml soya milk
4 heaped tsp of spanish hot chocolate powder

Heat the milk till scalding (it MUST be absolutely boiling hot). Pour in to a cup and stir in the powder. Keep mixing till it thickens. If it doesn't the milk is not hot enough and/or you need to add some more powder. Serve with churros for the ultimate breakfast!

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